Social Media Impact on Personal Injury Claims: Dos and Don’ts

May 13, 2024by Asim

Social media’s pervasive expansion has reshaped many facets of daily life, including unexpected ramifications in legal domains. Increasingly, content shared on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is playing a critical role in personal injury claims. Depending on the nature of the content, photos, posts, and interactions on social media can either support or undermine a claimant’s case. 

Given this modern landscape, the importance of consulting a knowledgeable Queens personal injury lawyer cannot be overstated. An experienced attorney is essential to navigating the complexities of how social media can influence the outcomes of personal injury cases, ensuring that clients are well-advised on how to manage their online presence during the litigation process.

The Dos: How to Manage Social Media Responsibly During a Personal Injury Claim

Do Limit Your Social Media Activity

During a personal injury claim, it is crucial to minimize your social media activity. Even posts that seem harmless can be taken out of context and used against your case. For instance, a simple photo or status update indicating physical activity or attendance at a social event could be misinterpreted as evidence of recovery or exaggeration of injuries. Limiting social media interaction reduces the risk of jeopardizing your claim through unintended disclosures.

Do Review Privacy Settings

Adjusting your privacy settings on social media platforms is a vital step during a personal injury claim. Tightening these settings can help control who has access to your posts and personal information. However, be aware that private content may still be accessible in certain circumstances. Opposing legal parties can sometimes obtain permission to view even secured profiles if they believe they contain relevant information to the case. Therefore, regularly updating and reviewing privacy settings is essential.

Do Consider the Content of Communications

Be cautious about the content of your communications, including private messages. Anything you share digitally, even in private, could be subpoenaed or requested during legal proceedings. This includes seemingly confidential messages that discuss your health, activities, or feelings about the case. Always consider the potential visibility of your communications to outside parties before sending them.

Do Communicate Directly with Your Lawyer

When in doubt about what can and cannot be safely shared on social media during your claim process, communicate directly with Boland Injury Lawyers, P.C. We can provide tailored advice based on the specifics of your case, helping to ensure that your online behavior does not inadvertently affect your legal standing. This direct line of communication with your lawyer is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your claim.

The Don’ts: What to Avoid on Social Media During a Personal Injury Claim

Don’t Discuss Your Case

It is critical to avoid discussing any aspect of your personal injury case on social media. This includes sharing details about your injuries, your thoughts on the accident, or any part of the legal proceedings. Even seemingly innocuous comments can be taken out of context and used to undermine your claim. Public discussions can also alert opposing legal teams to your emotions and strategies, which could be detrimental to your case.

Don’t Post Photos or Updates About Your Health

Refrain from posting photos or updates that show you engaging in physical activities or appearing to be in good health. Such posts can create misleading impressions and may be used by defense attorneys to question the severity of your injuries. Even a simple picture of a social outing can be misconstrued as evidence that your injuries are not as debilitating as claimed.

Don’t Accept Friend Requests from Strangers

During your injury claim, be wary of accepting friend requests from people you do not know. Investigators or representatives from the opposing side might use fake profiles to gain access to your private posts and gather information that could be used against you in court. Always ensure you know the person well before adding them to your social network during this sensitive time.

Don’t Share Legal Strategy

Avoid discussing your legal strategy or plans related to your personal injury claim on any online platform. Sharing such sensitive information can provide a tactical advantage to the opposing counsel. Details about your approach to the case, discussions with your lawyer, or any legal advice received should remain confidential to preserve the integrity of your case strategy.


Navigating the complexities of social media during a personal injury claim is critical for safeguarding your legal interests. Key dos include limiting your social media activity, adjusting privacy settings, carefully considering communication content, and maintaining direct communication with your lawyer. Equally important are the don’ts: do not discuss your case or post-health-related updates, accept friend requests from strangers, or share your legal strategy online. 

Boland Injury Lawyers, P.C., staffed with experienced Queens personal injury lawyers, can provide the essential guidance needed to manage your social media presence effectively. To ensure that your online activities do not undermine your injury claim, consider scheduling a consultation with Boland Injury Lawyers, P.C. 
